When I was younger I prayed for my future husband!Was that the right, or wrong thing to do?
So I have a lot of favorite wedding pictures, but these few are by far the sweetest to me! I love how much love is shown in them, and how much hope for the future. Remembering these moments bring me happiness, every moment I see them because my husband is dare I say "The man of my dreams"...no he is the man God has always intended for me to marry! My husband David is a God fearing man who

runs after God's heart! ♥️I know this post may seem cheesy, but I wanted to share these pictures to spread some hope! God does hear you ladies when you ask "Lord who will my husband be"? Or "why haven't I found him yet"? Know that God is hearing you, through all walks of life! For me when I was younger I did pray for my future husband, and sometime later in my late high school into early college years, I just wanted to seek some sort of relationship. It was in those few years that I found myself drifting away from Christ I wasn't seeking a man after God's own heart, I was only thinking of my own heart. I had my heart broken a few too many times to count, I just wanted to have someone meet my own expectations. I made a major life change, I moved from my home state Colorado to California, and I honestly know God's hand was in every moment. I turned back to God's unwavering Grace! I looked for God in my life. I seeked God in my life. Crazy to think that in the three years I went to a Christian University I was closer to God than I ever have been.

After 2 years at Concordia God answered my prayers that I prayed when I was little! When I had a heart like a child again, he answered with "Yes Lauren you are ready to be a wife!" You are ready to walk this life with another, and I can honestly say I love David more and more because Christ gives us all the ability to love another person because he first loved for us and died for us on the Cross! . (Yes this was a long ramble post, but I hope this post helps others to see that God never fails us! He will always provide and will always be there for us to turn to) .