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origin story
Hello, friends and family members reading this new blog. I wanted to start this blog because behind everything I do, I want to share it with others. I am a super extroverted person, and as much as I like hanging around others, it seems like this part of my life is more reflective for me. I do have my days where I do get to spend time with friends and family, but most of my time is spent at home now because I am no longer a student, I am a stay-at-home-mom. I graduated in May 2018 from Concordia University Irvine majored in theatre. The most recent part of my life is marrying the love of life, a little over a year ago and starting a family. My first baby girl Lydia Catalina was born 3 months ago. My husband David supports me in every possible way. I will probably write about our life updates as they happen. I want to start writing and getting to know the blogging community to encourage others, and to discover a new niche for myself. I have always felt crammed with my writing in the past, but now that I’m not in school I feel as if I could write about anything. One of the main reasons for starting my Blog is to write out what I have been thinking or doing, to share with my friends and family that I don’t get to see every day. I started making more YouTube videos as well, but I think I will get a lot more done by writing before I film. the reason why I think this is, I tend to get in my head, and I start to babble on and on when I am filming. I know that, well for me anyway, my words come to life when I type them out first. It helps me frame my work, and it helps me to think about what I should be writing. To be honest, It's a lot easier posting a couple of pictures and writing paragraphs than it is to film several takes of something and than spend countless hours editing a video, just to have your computer crash on you. so this is why, well, for now, I will primarily be writing. I'm not saying that I am not going to post videos at all, I'm just going to come to writing first. So I hope you enjoy my posts, my pictures, my recipes, and everything else I share. Most of all I hope you stick around and I hope you feel encouraged by the content I am writing.
Sincerely, LOG💓
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