SO up until reccentley I keep telling myself to get back to the computer and wright, but then I then another part of me is wanting to just see what others are writing about. I don't want you to hear me wrong that I don't want to read other Blogs, but right now it's a lot of what I have been Spending my time on. SO when I want to come on my own blog I keep getting distracted... except for at this very second! Right now I have motivation to write, so I am writing.
I wanted to talk about how a lot of blogs now a days are mostly instagram " Influncers", I don't think there is anything wrong with that, I just believe that a lot of what blogging used to be is becoming lost. Because instead of writing people are all vlogging or taking pictures. Nothing bad about taking pictures or videos, I just feel more connected to a writer words because the ideas are laid out clearly. All I wanted to point out is that I miss Reading stories that make me feel like I am actually there. I know I should probably just go read some Non-fiction, but I really like how real humans tell their story. Why is that? Well I think the case Is I always Love to be connected with others, and reccentley I have felt disconnected because I am working full time. I know I'm adult now " life is going to get in the way", but I really do miss being around my friends- when they were just across the hall. Being around my friends was not about the places for me, for me it was all about the conversations and the memories I had with them. So much of my life has been lived in community, and I am not going to let the excuse that I am too busy, or distracted to get in the way of making connections with old friends, new friends, and common passer by that I might meet at Target.
I know my way of writing might seem round a bout at first, but what I am trying to say is that I am going to be more intentional about writing on here. Writing about my memories, writing new stories, and of course write about anything I may or may not find interesting.
I ask my audience out there, what should I write about first?
Should it be my travels/studies abroad?
My Testimony,( How I became a Christian)?
Life updates?
Places I want to go?
The wedding breakdown?
Cabo San Lucas- write up?
Colorado road trip-write up?
Hellofresh Review?
Christmas DIY?
.... Or all of the above?
^ Oh wow that sure is a lot to write about, I better get started!
